Day 5

Today was a very relaxing day. I woke up to a soft pitter patter on my attic window and walked outside to feel a nice 56 degrees, unlike the inches of snow at home. Today I didn’t have to be at school until 11:40 and I only had one 45 minute lesson. I taught a group of 8th graders a lesson on Manhattan, which was difficult considering I have only been to NYC myself once. It is so interesting to see what German people think that Americans know or do not know. Afterwards, I was all done and enjoyed a nice ride home on my bike. EVERYONE rides a bike EVERYWHERE here. Bella mad lunch for herself, Lotti, Elli, and I and it was probably one of my favorite meals I have had in Germany thus far. It was called flammkuchen which is similar to a pizza type thing. It was a soft bread, with a creamy cheese sauce, yellow peppers, red peppers, tomato, basil, and onions baked. It was so so so so so GOOD!!! I have been craving it all night long. After my late lunch, I met up with one of my friends, Jessica (from WKU), and her host sister, Laura. We decided to take a train (my first European train ride!!) to a nearby city called Dortmund to go shopping for the afternoon! Dortmund is a very large city and has a HUGE shopping center. The streets remind me a lot of Times Square, but with prettier buildings. The buildings are so close, the streets are so crowded, and there are lights and signs EVERYWHERE. Definitely not what I pictured parts of Germany to look like. We even walked to the probably the largest mall I have every been too. It was four stories high with such good brand name stores. And it beautiful because everything is decorated for Christmas. I had so much fun shopping and can’t wait to come back soon for the Christmas festival.Mental note: everyone loves Hollister and wants to buy it here unlike at home where that phase left a long time ago. I wanted to buy everything I saw, not at Hollister but at everywhere else, but decided to save my money for my Berlin trip this weekend. I did decide to buy German froyo (yes it is different here…real yogurt and delicious) and a German chocolate donut… you have to try one. Both only cost me 3 Euros… I could get used to living here. So far, Germany has continued to surprise me. I decided that I do not want to leave…since that is not an option… time needs to slow down! NOW!!!IMG_0921 IMG_0924IMG_0925

7 thoughts on “Day 5”

  1. Morgan, We can’t wait to check your posting every day. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Tell your host family hello for us. Sounds like they are wonderful people. Love the pictures. Germany is beautiful. Love you. Mamaw and Papaw


      1. More people read your blog than you know! I know your dad can’t wait to read it everyday & has had to help his papaw get on so he can keep up with you. Kelsey reads it everyday & so does Aunt Tina. Meagan told me she’s been keeping up with your blog & Aunt Tracy read them all at my house (she doesn’t have FB so she didn’t know how to get on) but Meagan sent her the site so she can keep up. It’s like a soap opera we’re addicted to & can’t wait until the next show! So keep writing girl-your audience awaits!👏😊👍

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds like you had another great day! I am glad you got a chance to share it with us, because Papaw has already called me & told me to get in touch with you & tell you that you need to write your blog because they are waiting to read it. I told him you usually wait until the end of the day so you can share it all, so wait until about 5:00. They were starting to get worried: It’s the highlight of their day. Mamaw tried to leave a comment but couldn’t figure it out,
    but they are thinking of you! I am so glad that you are having
    such a good time! This is another memorable experience
    for you that will stay with you forever!
    I’m excited for you & proud of you for following your dreams!
    Until tomorrow, gute Nacht (good night)😴
    Ich liebe Dich (I love you)❤️


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